Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Double Knowledge

Hi everyone-

I pray the Christmas season has been a time of peace for you. So, you may have read the title and be wondering, "what is double knowledge?". Well, I'll get to that ... First, however, I think some song lyrics will help get to double knowledge. Carla recently introduced Me to this awesome band, Mumford & Sons. I highly recommend checking them out. One song in particular has been rattling around in my brain, "Sigh No More". You can check the song out at and below are the applicable lyrics:

"Sigh no more, no more
One foot in sea, one on shore
My heart was never pure
You know me
You know me ...

Love; it will not betray you
Dismay or enslave you, it will set you free
Be more like the man you were made to be

There is a design, an alignment to cry
Of my heart to see,
The beauty of love as it was made to be"

These say to me that us humans have one foot in the world and one in heaven. We are one part fallen/sinful and one part image of God. Yet, while we aren't pure, God still knows and loves us.

Now God is love, so I hear the second segment above as speaking of God in many ways. Love/God won't drag us down or destroy us, but will in fact set us free to be the people we are meant to be. This brings me to double knowledge. This is the idea that it is only through knowing God that we can truly know and become ourselves. We looked at this a fair bit in the C.S. Lewis class. In short, double knowledge equates to know God, know/become yourself. Only the love and grace of God set us free from our impurity to be the people we are meant to be.

What is more, this is how we're designed (as the third stanza eludes to). Our hearts are aligned to see God, live love, and turn into the beautiful people we are meant to be. In other words, we're beloved children made in the image of God.

I totally love this song and the concept of double knowledge.

What do you think?

Grace and peace,

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